Štagod noćas da zapevam vućiće na sevdalinku...
Usnuo sam čobanicu uplakanu u šljiviku...
Grom udari... Planu seno... Rasturi se stado njeno...
Zaplete se dim na uvojku... Reče da se zove Bosna...
Čudno ime za devojku?

Nekom Drina teče desno... Nekom Drina lijevo teče...
Sve da teče u dubinu... Na dve pole svet da seče...
Znam tajni gaz, moje lane... Most se pruži gde ja stanem...
Sve da vuku me konji vrani... Nema meni jedne strane dok si ti na drugoj strani...

Osta ovaj stari kompas u grudima... A po polju nikli zabrani...
Crne senke što se gnezde u ljudima nadleću me kao gavrani...
Nekada sam putovao po mjesecu... Kroz vilajet pun hajdučije...
A sada me oči ljudske plaše više nego vučije...

Stoputa su prijatelji u molitvi pomenuti...
Dal će mi se radovati? Ili glavu okrenuti?
Šta slagati? Šta im kasti? Svet ne možeš pesmom spasti...
Njine brige me i noćas brinu
Dok se spremam na put kući... Na put kući...U tuđinu...

Svetom smo se rasipali ko đerdani... Nosili nas nebom ćilimi...
Da li su to stvarno bili bolji dani, ili smo to bolji bili mi?
Nekad smo se bratimili po pogledu... Sluteći da isto sanjamo...
I bogu je prosto bilo krstimo l' se ili klanjamo...


Whatever I sing tonight
It will sound like sevdalinka
çoban kız ağlayan eriklikta rüyada gördüm*
thunderbolt hits, the hay lights,
her flock disperses,
fume entangles in her lock,
she tells her name is Bosna -
strange name for a girl.

To someone Drina flows on the right,
to someone Drina flows on the left,
even it flows into depth,
and divides the world to half
I know a secret path, ceylanım :)
bridge starts where I step,
even if dark horses should pull me
there is no one side for me
as long as you are on the other side.

Remains this old compass in my chest
but bans sprouted on the fields,
Black shadows that nest inside humans
fly me over like ravens.

I used to travel in the moonlight
through vilayet full of outlaws
And now, human eyes
frighten me more than wolfs eyes.

Hundreds of times are the friends* mentioned in prayers
Will they feel joy when I come
or will they turn their heads away
What to lie, what to tell
you can’t save the world with a song
Their worries trouble me tonight too

As I get ready to go home,
to go home, in strange land.

We* used to move around the world like pearls*
kilims carried us across the sky,
Were those really better days
or we were better then
We use to become brothers only by look -
feeling we dream the same
and it was simple to God -
Whether we christen ourselves or we pray.

Translation: Azram

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