

Dodji, Najdrazi,
sidji sa Brda svjetlosti!
Cudan, usamljen,
mi nismo znali zasto si!
> Come, dearest
> Come down from the hill of light
> We did not know why
> You were strange and lonely

Sidji, Najdrazi,
snaga je s tobom velika,
Mi smo korito,
a ti si bujna rijeka.
> Come down, dearest
> Great strength comes (is) with you
> We are a river-bed
> and you are a dense river

Dodji, dodji,
i rijeku poljem navrati,
dodji, dodji,
potoci njoj ce trcati!
> Come, come
> and make river pass through field
> come, come
> and streams will run to it!

Dolje, Najdrazi,
tmina je pala pregusta!
Ovdje laz je,
iskrivila im je usta!
> Come down, dearest,
> too thick dark has fallen / settled (upon us)
> Lie is here
> it contorted their mouth

Ti nam kazujes
Ja sam sa vama podjednak!
Ali, Najdrazi,
dragulj je kamen i prvak.
> You tell us
> I am equal to you
> But, Dearest,
> gem is stone and is the best

Kad stignes gore,
gdje slusas skripu od pera,
kada, Najdrazi,
ugledas Lotos Munteha,
> When you arrive up,
> Where you listen squeak of pens
> when, Dearest
> you see Lotos Munteha

sidji, sidji, vrati se,
budi sve uz nas,
jera, bez tebe,
mi cemo lutat, trazit spas!
> Come down, come down, return
> be by our side
> jer - because, without you
> we will wander around, seek salvation

sidji, sidji, sidji...

> Come down, come down, come down

Translation: ibra
Correction: Azra

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